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New Levels Ministries International

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Friday, July 16, 2021

What is the holy kiss for ? Christian sermons outlines


193. How many times are we commanded to salute one another with an holy kiss? Five times (Romans 

16:16; 1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12; I Thessalonians 5:26; 1 Peter 5:14). 

l94. Does God intend that this should be practised among believers today? 

There is no reason why this should be abolished while the rest of the epistles remain in force. 

195. But customs have changed. 

No doubt of it; but the Word of God is still the same.

196. Is it right to greet a weak brother ? 

Certainly; unless you acknowledge that you do not love him. This is a “kiss of charity”; not a kiss of 


197. Would it not be wise to refrain from keeping this commandment for fear of contracting diseases ? 

Evidently the Lord did not so consider it, or He would not have inspired the apostles to write the 


198. Should only preachers obey this command? Not unless you consider that the whole Bible is 

intended for preachers only. 

199. Does not this practice lead to hypocritical salutations, as in the case of Judas? 

To violate this command on this account would be to add the sin of disobedience to the sin of hypocrisy. 

 Judas’ sin was not in greeting his Master, but in harboring the iniquity which made the kiss hypocritical. 

 Disobedience is no cure for iniquity. The thing to do is to have the Lord cleanse the heart from all 

iniquity, and every kiss will then be an holy kiss. 

200. Have we any evidence that the holy kiss was practised in apostolic times? 

Aside from the commandments themselves, we have an instance recorded in Acts 20:37. 

201. What is the holy kiss for? 

It is the symbol of love (1 Peter 5:14). 

202. Could the greeting of an unworthy brother be considered a holy kiss? 

The whole question of its holiness lies with the person who imparts it. 

203. What then should be done with unworthy brethren? 

Deal with them according to the scriptures bearing on such cases, and let not the right hand of fellowship 

and kiss of brotherhood be withdrawn from him until he is declared to be “unto thee as a heathen man 

and a publican.” 

204. Is it wrong to greet persons who are not brethren? 

 There is no scripture against it. It seems to be a matter of privilege. The apparent effect on such a 

practice should determine the wisdom or unwisdom of exercising the privilege.

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