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பிரசங்க குறிப்புகள்

New Levels Ministries International

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Tuesday, July 20, 2021



205. Where do we read about this subject? 

In 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. 

206. Who should wear it? 

“Every woman” (v. 5). 

207. When should they wear it? 

While praying and prophesying (v.5). 

208. Does this mean only when you are attending the public worship of some church which observes its 


Not unless that is the only time when you pray or prophesy. 

209. Is there a greater reason for wearing during church than family worship? 

None whatever. If so, what scripture throws light on the subject? 

210. What is the covering for? 

“A sign of authority” showing that woman recognizes the position in which God has placed her, and 

 stands side by side with man as his helpmeet in carrying forward the work of the Gospel. 

211. Should only married women wear this covering? 

Except in times when worldly fashions decree that women’s hair be “shorn or shaven,” all women, 

married or single, wear the covering which God through nature teaches (vs. 14, 15). All [Christian] 

 women, married or single, should wear the covering which God through revelation teaches (vs. 2-13). 

212. Does not Paul say that woman’s hair “is given her for a covering”? 

 Yes; but not the covering which he was talking about before he brought in that illustration from nature 

to impress the force of his teaching. 

213. What is the difference between the two coverings? The long hair is the sign of the natural relation 

 which exists between man and woman according to nature; the veiling is the sign of the spiritual relation 

 which should exist between them as man and woman in the Lord. 

214. Why is the illustration from nature an apt one?

With the exception noted in answering question 211, women universally are obedient in wearing the sign

 which nature gives, and it is recognized among all classes of women that “if a woman have long hair it 

is a glory to her.” Now let all Christian women be fully as loyal to God by wearing the sign of her 

 spiritual relation to man. 

215. What is Paul’s conclusion? 

Wear both or none (v. 6). 

216. Why? 

To discard the artificial covering is just the same as is she were shorn or shaven. 

217. Does not that teach that the two coverings are one and the game thing? 

No. (1) The word “also” in v. 6 decides that point emphatically. (2) The long hair is in no sense a “sign” 

or “power”. (3) The long hair is in no sense a veiling, as the word covering can rendered. (4) Only 

women who wear wigs could cover or uncover their heads at will for the devotional season, if the 

prayer- covering meant the long hair. (5) Under this rendering verses 5 and 6 would make foolish 

reading. (6) What would have been the use in Paul going to all this trouble in teaching something which 

women by common consent would have done anyway? 

218. At what conclusion do we therefore arrive? 

That the Christian woman should always be veiled while praying or prophesying. 

219. Would not the hat or bonnet do? 

There would be no “sign” or “power’ about that 

(v. 10). At any rate, it seems strange that people stick to the long hair as the covering as long as they can 

present the least show of a plausible argument, and then jump past the real covering, and contend that the 

hat or bonnet will do just as well. 

220. What authority had Paul to teach what be did? 

“He is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of 

Israel” (Acts 8:15). 

221. What is meant by v. 16 ? 

The churches of God had no such custom as women worshipping with heads uncovered. 

222. What about the theory that Paul meant to say that there was no such custom as a prayer covering 

among the churches of God? Such theory is in direct conflict with v. 5, 6, and 10. Paul was not in the 

habit of explaining points of Christian doctrine, and winding up by saying that there was nothing in it. 

223. Is this a saving ordinance? 

Not any more than baptism or the communion. 

224. Do not most churches discard this doctrine? 

“What is that to thee? Follow thou me” (John 21 :22). 

225. Is it right to suffer ourselves to be made a gazing stock? 

It is right to obey God, and let our lights shine. If this causes the world to gawk and gaze, the matter rests 

with them, not with us. 

226. Should the covering be worn when people are ashamed of it? 

Timid sisters sometimes feel abashed because of the scorn and rudeness of a proud and foolish world. 

Worldly Sisters are reluctant to wear it because the condition of their hearts is not in keeping with the 

 purpose for which this “sign” is worn. The first need to pray for more grace. The second should pray for 

conversion. Neither should discard the covering. 

227. Is this ordinance intended only for Mennonites and Dunkards? Not unless the whole Bible is 

intended for them only. 

228. What should be the form of this covering? 

The Bible does not specify the form. It refers to it as a “veil” and a “sign”. It shall therefore be a veiling, 

recognized as a headship veiling. Being a church ordinance, the church should determine its form. The 

form now adopted by most churches obeying this command is quite appropriate. The white cap is a veil, 

shaped for convenience in wearing, and its color is the symbol of purity. 

229. Should the covering be worn by women who are not obedient to the principles for which this 

covering is a sign? 

Yes; and get right with God so that their lives are in conformity with the sign. 

230. Who first called this an ordinance? 

Paul (v. 2) is the first of whom we have any record.231. How many ordinances are mentioned in 1 Corinthians 11 ? 

Two: the headship veiling and the communion.

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