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New Levels Ministries International

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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Dress biblical questions,


540. Why mention this in the class of Christian doctrines? 

Because the Bible has some pointed teaching on this subject.541. Then is it a fact that there is religion in the 

 No. But it is a fact that religion in the heart has something to do with the form of the clothes. 

542. What proof have we for the truth of this assertion? 

The Bible references giving instructions as to what kind of clothing to wear, and what not to wear. 

543. Since this is after all a question of heart religion, would it not be best to get and to keep the heart right, 

and let the clothes question take care of itself? 

Then Paul and Peter’s epistles (1 Timothy 2:9, 10; 1 Peter 3:3, 4) ought to have been revised before being 

allowed to go into print as God’s inspired Word. Clothes which are not according to the instruction of the 

Bible ought to be considered evidence that the heart of the person wearing them is not right, and needs doc-


544. What evidence had God and Isaiah that the daughters of Zion were “haughty” (Isaiah 3:16)? 

Their apparel. 

545. How did God reveal His attitude on this subject? 

He condemned them in severe terms (Isaiah 3:16-24).

546. What are especially forbidden as wearing apparel? 

Gold, pearls, costly array (1 Timothy 2:9, 10; 1 Peter 3:3, 4) 

547. What should be the real adornment? 

“The ornament of a meek and quiet spirit” (1 Peter 3:4). 

548. What rule does Paul lay down on the dress question? 

(1) Dress in “modest apparel” (1 Timothy 2:9). 

(2) Avoid vain display in ornamentation, such as the wearing of jewelry, fussing up the hair, and costly 

clothing (1 Timothy 2:10) 

(3) Dress in a way which becometh people professing godliness (1 Timothy 2:10). 

(4) Avoid conforming to the world (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 2:2). 

549. What is meant by “modest apparel”? 

Clothes which are neat, plain, simple, serviceable; which serve their purpose in covering the body, without 

in any way obscuring “the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” 

550. What might be considered “immodest apparel”? 

The kind of clothing denounced in Isaiah 3:16-24, and forbidden in 1 Timothy 2:9, 10 and 1 Peter 3:3, 4. 

Answered from a modern standpoint, it is the clothing which after worldly patterns is made to give promi-

nence to and advertise certain parts of the human form by means of extra padding, peculiar cuts and thin fab-

rics which leave the semi-nude chests and undergarments exposed to the gaze of the public. 

551. What are some objections to the people of God following worldly fashions? 

(1) It is decidedly conforming to the world which is unscriptural (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 2:2; James 1 :27). 

(2) It violates the principle of separation from the world as emphasized in 2 Corinthians 6:14, 17; James 4:4; 

and 1 John 2:15, l6. 

(3) Since we know that worldly fashions have their origin in the most wicked cities on earth, that their foun-

dation is not modesty and godliness but lust and pride, that they disregard laws of health, decency and com-

fort, and that they are changeable and expensive, it is not consistent for the people of God to leave the in-

struction of God’s Word, sacrifice the spirit of simplicity and humility, and give preference to the perverted 

tastes and erratic customs of a sinful world. 

552. What is the difference between following the fashions of the world and the fashions of the Church? 

If the Church sets her fashion from 1 Timothy 2:9, 10 and 1 Peter 3:3, 4, the difference is this: One forbid-

den, the other is commanded. 

553. Should not the clothing be so simple and of such a character that it attracts the least possible attention? 


554. Then would it not be better to fall in with the customs of the world, so as not to attract any attention? 

There is a difference between sensational display and simply letting your light shine. The inference con-

tained in the question would force Christian people to surrender every doctrine of the Bible. 

555. Is it not a positive injury to the cause of Christ for His people to be made a gazing stock before the 


That depends upon what they do which makes them a gazing stock. If their life is so notoriously reckless or 

inconsistent that people look at them in open-eyed wonder, astonished because people professing godliness 

can do such things, then it is a positive injury. But if they are simply true to the teaching of God’s Word,humble Christians letting their light shine, the more the world gazes at them the more that God is glorified in 

their lives. It is impossible for a man to live the kind of life he ought to live without attracting attention. The 

Bible distinctly teaches that God’s people are peculiar (Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 2:9), that we are to let our lights 

shine (Matthew 5:16); that we are not to fashion ourselves according to our former lusts (1 Peter 1:14); that 

we are not to conform to this world (Romans 12:2). From these and other references, it can readily be seen 

how vain is the argument often used that we must avoid peculiarity in dress, when the Bible distinctly

teaches peculiarity as a duty. 

556. Have not they who submit to the world in form of dress a greater influence over the world than those 

who maintain the Gospel order of simplicity and peculiarity? 

Sometimes! but it isn’t the soul-saving kind of influence. A good illustration is found in the case of Abra-

ham and Lot. Lot was a first-rate, good fellow in Sodom until it came to the real test, when it was found that 

Abraham had more influence even than Lot. This idea of conforming to the world for the sake of influence is 

a makeshift to justify us in our worldliness, is robbing the Church of power and closing the eyes of the world 

to the real teaching of the Gospel and therefore to its own sinfulness. For the sake of real, uplifting, soul-

awakening influence, rather than dress like the world, dress as men and women professing godliness. 

557. But some people worship their plain clothes. 

It is just as true that some people worship their Church, others their piety, and others their Bible. If this is a 

good reason for donning the uniform of the world, we have a good reason for discarding the entire Bible. 

558. Some people who profess to be plain are prouder than others who make no pretensions to plainness.

And when they are, they are just as much out of place as are those professing the kingdom of God and wear-

ing the uniform of the world. 

559. What causes some people to retain a few marks of plainness and at the same time wear costly silks, 

puffs, ant superfluities? 

There is a desire, whether admitted or not, to please both the world and the Lord. 

560. Might they not just as well throw away all pretensions to plainness? 

That is the worldly way of settling it. The Gospel way is to work for a humble heart and modest apparel. 

561. Is not the fact that the great majority of people reject plainness in apparel proof that there is nothing in 


One verse from the Bible weighs more than all the opinions of all the world. If majority rule settles all ques-

tions, then Noah and his family were out of place in the ark, Elijah ought to have joined the prophets of 

Baal, Christ ought to have accepted the devil’s proposition to rule the world, and we should all turn heathen 

forthwith. Nay, verily; “let God be true, but every man a liar.” 

562. If all the money which is spent today for superfluities and for jewelry would be saved for other pur-

poses, what might be accomplished with it? 

It would carry the Gospel within the hearing of every intelligent being on the face of the globe. 

563 How then must we look upon this waste of money?

It is robbing God. 

564. Is wasting money for ornamentation in clothing any worse than wasting it for other purposes? 

They are all sinful. Some day we must account for our stewardship. 

565. There is a saying, “When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Is it right therefore to wear one kind 

of clothing when you are about plain people and another kind when you are about worldly people? 

Our “Rome” is the city of our King — the Gospel field. “Be not conformed to the world” is not intended

simply for times when there are no special temptations, but all the time. It is never right to disregard Romans 

12:2; Titus 2:14; 1 Timothy 2:9, 10; James 1:27; 4:4; 1 Peter 1:14; 2:9; 3:3, 4, and 1 John 2:15, 16, no matter 

where we are. The divine admonition, “Let your light shine,” is more binding upon Christians than is the 

worldly-wise advice quoted above. 

566. What about preachers who wear the “clerical coat” to preach in, and an ordinary coat on other occa-


That would have been in order under the ceremonial law when priests wore their clerical robes in which to 

do service at the altar. This custom ought to have been abolished with the ceremonial law. 

567. What are the objections to a man wearing a certain form of coat simply because he is a minister? 

(1) It makes a “display coat” out of a garment which is supposed to represent humility. 

(2) It puts a premium on the idea that plain clothing is to be worn only to denote professional standing, and 

that the terms, “laymen” and “worldling” mean practically the same thing.(3) It encourages the spirit of caste in the Church, which is a good introduction to the triple sin of priestcraft, 

formalism and worldliness. 

568. Is this an argument in favor of ministers throwing away their plain garbs? 

No. It is a plea in favor of their dressing in modest apparel because they are humble citizens of the kingdom, 

not because of their professional standing; also in favor of all lay-members being governed by the same rule. 

569. What then is the logical position to take? 

Let ministers avoid anything which gives them a puffed up, worldly, professional appearance (Mark 12:38, 

39); let laymen avoid the fashions of the world; let all choose their clothing with a view to serviceableness 

and simplicity, content to follow the customs of men and women possessing godliness. 

570. What are the leading things to urge in defense of the doctrine of modest apparel? 

(1) It is God’s Word. (2) It saves time and money. (3) It is a safeguard against pride, foolishness, and world-

liness in general (4) It is a divinely-appointed way of letting our lights shine, and wherever consistently 

practised is a means of strength to the cause of Christ and the Church. 

571. Who should practice and defend It? 


572. What if you are the only person in your community who believes in it? 

That does not modify the teaching of the Bible. 

573. Is there not danger of people becoming “clothes Christians”? 

Yes; but there is greater danger of becoming clothes worldlings. We have seen a few of the former; we have 

seen thousands of the latter. 

574. What is the solution to this whole question? 

Believe God. Study His Word. Obey His precepts. Give Him your whole heart and service. Let your heart be 

clothed with humility, and your body is liable to give evidence of this humility in the heart. “If ye know 

these things, happy are ye if ye do them.”

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