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New Levels Ministries International

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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

bible questions, swearing of oath,


621. What great Teacher speaks with authority on this question? 

Jesus Christ. 

622. What does He teach? 

He calls attention to the teaching under the Old Covenant, and then adds, “Swear not at all” (Matthew 


623. Does this forbid all kinds of oaths? 

It undoubtedly does. Read carefully Matthew 5: 33-37. 

624. How does James interpret Christ’s teaching on the subject? 

“But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other 

oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation” (James 5:12). 

625. What are we to understand from this teaching? 

We are to take it as it reads. 

626. Are we to understand that the judicial oath is also forbidden? 

That was the kind of oath allowed under the Old Covenant. The profane oath has always been wrong. Now 

Christ refers to what was allowed “by them of old time,” and adds, “Swear not at all. That cuts out all kinds 

of oaths, as James testifies. 

627. Why this prohibition? 

The oath does not harmonize with New Testament simplicity. Our communication should be “yea, yea; nay,

nay.” More than this, “cometh of evil” (Matthew 5:37) and puts us in danger of falling “into condemnation” 

(James 5:12). 

628. Does not the oath produce a solemn impression upon those who take it? 

A child of God is more solemnly impressed with the truth of God’s Word than with an unscriptural oath. An 

appeal to God is not liable to impress those who do not have enough reverence for God to obey Him. 

629. It is claimed by some that the testimony before magistrates could not be relied upon if it were not for 

the oath. 

The child of God does not need to take the oath to bind him to the truth of what he is about to say. Besides, 

the affirmation will answer that same point. 

630. Some claim that there is practically no difference between the oath and affirmation. 

There are at least three points of difference. The oath includes the declaration to “swear,” the uplifted hand, 

and the appeal to God. None of these are included in the affirmation. Besides, while the Bible positively 

says, “Swear not at all” (Matthew 5:34) it also says, “I will that thou affirm” (Titus 3:8). 

631. In what ways may the command not to swear be violated? 

(1) Swearing before magistrates, (2) swearing in the secret lodge, (3) profane swearing, (4) “bywords” or 

“wooden oaths.” 

632. What are the principal ways in which the name of God may be taken in vain? 

By the use of blasphemous oaths, and by hypocritical praise or service of God. 

633. Why is the use of “by-words” or “wooden oaths” wrong? 

(1) It is counterfeit swearing. 

(2) It is a form of idle words. 

(3) It adds neither force nor common sense to what is being said. 

(4) It is vulgar and lends to real swearing. 

634. What provisions do the laws of our land make for those who are conscientiously opposed to taking the 


They have the privilege to affirm. 

635. Who should be conscientiously opposed to taking the oath? 

All God-fearing people. 

636. Why should we be so particular about this when there are so many who tell us it makes no difference? 

“We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 6:29).

637. What if my church is silent on this question? 

Christ and the apostles are not silent. 

638. What then should be our rule?

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