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பிரசங்க குறிப்புகள்

New Levels Ministries International

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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

What is worship?, Biblical questions, worship in the bible?


400. What is worship? 

Worship is that attitude in the heart which finds expression in outward acts of praise and prayer and 


401. Who are to be objects of worship? 

God alone (Matthew 4:10). 

402. When other objects are worshipped, what do they become? 


403. Are there other idols besides those made by men’s hands? 

 Yes (Acts 12:22; Philippians 3:9; Colossians.3:5).

404. Are men compelled to worship God? 

Man has the freedom of choice (Joshua 24:15). 

405. Is it possible for men, not to worship at all?

It is possible for men not to go through any certain form of worship, but all men are worshippers. God 

has implanted the principle of worship into every human breast. The heathen lands worship wood and 

stone, the sun, moon, stars, rivers, cows, snakes, etc., etc. The heathen at home worship gold, dress, 

friends, self, etc. 

406. If man has the privilege of worshipping God or choosing some other object of worship, is he 

therefore guilty before God if he does not worship Him? 

This very freedom of choice fixes upon him the responsibility of his choice. It is therefore a choice 

between God and heaven, or idolatry and hell. 

407. How must we worship God? 

In spirit and in truth (John 4:23, 24). 

408. Does the worship of all people find favor in the eyes of God? 

When wicked men go through the form of worshipping Him, He looks upon lt as an abomination 

(Proverbs 15:8, 9; 21:27; 28:9). 

409. What do we infer from these scriptures? 

That the wicked should first come as penitent sinners, and seek favor and friendship with God. 

410. What encouragement does God give to such people? 

“If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted” (Genesis 4:7)? 

411. Is one place of worship to be preferred above another? 

No (John 4:20-24). 

412. What has Paul to say about assembling for worship? 

He enjoins it (Hebrews 10:25). 

413. If one place is as good as another, why not worship at home instead of going to church? 

It is not the place, but the congregation which furnishes the encouragement. 

414. Will not God honor worship at home as well as in church? 

Yes. Would to God there were more real worship in our homes. But if laziness is the reason why we stay

 at home our worship is not liable to be acceptable either at home or in church. 

415. Is it not a sin to drive horses to church Sunday after having worked them hard during the week? 

It is a sin, rather, to work them so hard during the week that they cannot consistently be driven to church 

on Sunday. 

416. What about a man worshipping with his head covered? 

“Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head (1 Corinthians 


417. Is a woman bound by the same rule? 

“Every woman that prayeth with her head uncovered, dishonoureth her head” (1 Corinthians 11:4). 

418. What are we to judge by this rule? 

Take it as it reads, and obey it.419. Is there danger in giving man the glory which belongs to God? 

Yes. If we are not careful we will fall into hero worship, and worship the creature more than the Creator 

(Romans 1:25). 

420. What is the effect of whole-souled service or worship? 

It lifts the soul to God, and brings refreshing from on high.

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