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New Levels Ministries International

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Friday, July 16, 2021

What is the meaning of consecration | Christian short sermons | sermons outlines


73. What is the meaning of this word? 

To present; to dedicate. (Read Hebrews 7:28 and 10:20.) 

74. What did the consecration of priests do for them? 

It bound them to the service whereunto they were consecrated and completely separated them from their 

former vocation. 

75. What does consecration do for God’s people? 

It binds them to the service of the Lord, and completely separates them from the world. 

76. What are we to consecrate? 

(1) Ourselves, (2) our members (Romans 6:13), (3) our bodies (Romans 12:1), (4) our possessions (Matthew 


77. Is there such a thing as a person being a Christian without being consecrated? 

The Bible is silent on this point. We know of no scriptures leading to this inference. 

78. Is there such a thing as a man giving his heart to the Lord, and withholding his money from the support

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