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New Levels Ministries International

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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

What is Baptism, what is baptism in bible,

294. Who first taught a believer’s baptism? 

John the Baptist (Matthew3:1-6) 

295. What was John’s baptism? 

The baptism of repentance (Matthew3:7,8; 19:4). 

296. Who was John the Baptist? 

The forerunner of Christ (Mark 1:2,3); the connecting link between the Levitical and Christ’s priesthood 

(Luke 1:5,57-64; Leviticus 8). 

297. How does John’s work connect Christian baptism with the priestly consecration? 

Himself in the line of the priesthood, he, through the administration of water baptism, consecrates Christ 

to His priestly office, who becomes the Head of a new priesthood (Leviticus 8). Evidently both John and 

Christ were consecrated about the age when priests were usually consecrated to their priestly office. 

298. Was John’s baptism, after Christ’s ministry commenced, valid as a Christian baptism? 

We are inclined to think that it was not (See Acts 19;3-5). 

299. How many kinds of baptism are spoken of in the Bible? 

Four. Water (Matthew3:5), Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13), fire (Matthew 3:11), suffering (Luke 12:50). 

300. Why then does Paul say, “one baptism” (Ephesians 4:5)? 

One way of getting into the kingdom of heaven (1 Corinthians 12:13). 

301. When was John’s prophecy, recorded in Matthew 3:11, fulfilled ? 

On the day of Pentecost is one recorded instance (Acts 2:3, 4).302. What is the importance of Spirit baptism? 

It is essential baptism (1 Corinthians 12:13). 

303. Does that come before or after water baptism? 

May be before (Acts 10:47), may be after (Acts 8:16). Depends upon the instructions and the condition 

of the applicants. 

304. Is it scriptural to call the first reception of the Holy Ghost “baptism” and each reception thereafter 

an “infilling”? 

The Bible is silent on this question. 

305. Shall we look to the baptism of the Holy Ghost for cleansing? 

The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin (1 John 1:7). 

306. To whom is the Holy Ghost promised? 

To all who repent and are baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 8:38, 39). 

307. How are water baptism and Spirit baptism connected? 

Water baptism is the symbol of the Holy Ghost baptism (Matthew 3:11; Acts 1:5). 

308. Who administers them? 

Man baptizes with water, God baptizes with the Holy Ghost (Matthew 3:11). 

309. Why advocate and administer water baptism? 

It is commanded (Matthew 28:18-20). 

310. May this not have meant Spirit baptism? 

Man cannot baptize with the Holy Ghost. 

311. Can not a man be saved without being baptized With Water? 

Evidently the thief on the cross was (Luke 23:41-43). 

312. Is water baptism therefore necessary? 

Our Saviour so considered it (Matthew 3:13-15). 

313. What evidence have we that the apostles so considered it? 

They taught it and practised it. 

314. What is the difference between the thief on the cross and someone who rejects baptism because he 

has already been saved? 

We have no Bible promise of salvation to those who reject water baptism. The thief on the cross did not 

 reject baptism, but was powerless to receive it. They who accept Christ, accept all His teachings, 

including baptism. While salvation is offered upon faith alone, God recognizes no faith which rejects His 


315. How should we look upon the man who professes full and perfect salvation, and points to this as 

evidence that water baptism is unnecessary? 

Unless he can present unmistakable evidence that he is better than Christ (Matthew 3:13-15), look upon 

him as an impostor. 

316. What is the purpose of water baptism? 

It is an act of obedience looking to the fulfilment of all righteousness (Matthew 3:13-15), the answer of a 

good conscience toward God (1 Peter 3:21). a sign that our sins have been remitted (Acts 2:38; 22:16), 

and an invitation into the visible body of believers on earth (Matthew 28:19,20; Acts 2:41). 

317. Does the Bible throw any light upon the question whether a man may be baptized with water and 

still unsaved? 

Simon the sorcerer was an example (Acts 8:9-23). 

318. Is it scriptural to baptize an applicant without receiving him into the church? 

As well ask the question whether it is scriptural to administer the communion to a man without 

communing with him. Water baptism is in itself the reception spoken of. 

319. What may we reasonably expect from people when they are baptized? 

That they have accepted Jesus as their Saviour (Acts 8:37), repented of their sins (Acts 2:38), forsaken 

the world with its sinful lusts and follies (Galatians 5:24; Romans 6:2), and with a “good conscience” 

mean to press on in the work (1 Peter 3:21). 

320. What has the Bible to say about infant baptism? 


321. Why is infant baptism unscriptural? 

(1) Because the Bible does not authorize it(2) Because children can not meet the scriptural requirements of baptism. 

322. Who are fit subjects for baptism? 

They who believe (Acts 8:37) and repent (Acts 2:38). 

323. Why rebaptize applicants who have been baptized as infants? 

Their baptism was not preceded by faith and repentance. They had nothing to do with their baptism; 

 hence are the same as unbaptized persons. 

324. Why were the children brought to Christ? 

That He should put His hands on them (Matthew 19:13). Before He did even this He said of them, “Of 

such is the kingdom of heaven.” Baptism was not mentioned. 

325. What is God’s definition for baptism with respect to mode? 

Pouring (Matthew 3:11; Acts 1:5; 2:1-21; 10:44-48; 11:15, 16). 

326. But this has reference to Spirit baptism. 

It is after all the mode which is thus defined. If the baptism with the Holy Spirit is invariably referred to 

as an outpouring, why should not the baptism with water be the same? 

327. Were not the disciples overwhelmed with the Holy Ghost? and did it not fill the house? and were 

they not therefore immersed (Acts 2:1) 

The sound filled the house (v.2), the disciples were filled (not overwhelmed) with the Holy Ghost (v.4), 

 and Peter says that it was the fulfilment of the prophecy which said that the Spirit should be poured 

upon all flesh (vs. 16, 17). 

328. What has the Bible to say about Immersion? 


329. Did not Paul refer to baptism as a burial (Romans 6:3, 4)? 

(1) Paul’s theme was deliverance from sin and the consequent new life. 

(2) Water baptism was not under discussion. 

(3) It is by the Spirit that we were “baptized into his death” (v.3). 

(4) If the word “buried” (v.4) means a literal burial in literal water, then the word “crucified” (v. 6) must 

mean a literal crucifixion on a literal cross. 

330. Was not baptism invariably performed in the water? 

In a majority of cases where water baptism is mentioned in Acts, circumstances point toward its having 

been performed in the house. 

331. Was not the baptism of the eunuch a clear case of immersion? 

All the evidence that we have is that both went down into the water and both came up out of the water.

 From this we conclude that if one was immersed, both were immersed. 

332. Does not history clearly prove immersion as the Bible mode? 

History clearly proves that some ‘immersionists’ wrote history. Then there are other historians who 

favor affusion. But why go to history, when the Bible is plain on the subject? 

333. Does the Bible record any instance where one man put another person under the water as religious 


It does not. 

334. Why advocate pouring? 

(1) It is God’s definition for baptism. 

(2) It corresponds to the form of priestly consecration, which it succeeds. 

(3) The Bible is silent as to other modes. 

(4) It is practicable among all people under all circumstances. 

335. What is the main essential in water baptism? 

The “good conscience” of which baptism is but the answer (1 Peter 3:21). 

336. Which is preferable, baptism in the house or in the water? 

In the absence of any Bible command on this subject we see no difference as to place. 

337. How look upon water baptism? 

As the foremost among outward ordinances to be observed when applicants meet the scriptural 


338. Is it scriptural to require applicants to serve a time of “probation” or “proving” ? 

The Bible is not silent on this subject. The practice of the disciples was to baptize them as soon as they 

 gave satisfactory evidences of faith and repentance. Sometimes this lead to problems as with Simon theSorcerer (Acts 8:9-24). Verses like: “Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:9, 10) 

“Knowing that tribulation worketh patience, and patience, experience; and experience, hope” (Romans 

 5:3, 4) and others give the church and leadership the discretion to require a time to demonstrate “fruits 

meet for repentance” (Matthew 3:8). 

Life is a continual proving ground for eternity. “that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and 

perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12:2) “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, 

he shall receive the crown of life” (James 1:12). “That I might know the proof of you, whether ye be 

obedient in all things” (2 Corinthians 2:9) “Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, 

 but also in the sight of men.” (2 Corinthians 8:21) “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; 

prove your own selves.” (2 Corinthians 13:5). These are scriptural commands designed to keep a pure 

and spotless church. 

339. Is it possible to baptize them too soon after confession? 

Yes. Give them time to “bring forth fruits meet for repentance.” 

340. Should there be an age-limit in the baptism of children? 

No, but there should be an understanding limit. Some children are talked into joining the church before 

they are able to recognize and accept real salvation. But when children are old enough to recognize that 

they are lost without a Saviour, to understand the conditions of salvation and accept the same, and to 

renounce the sins of the world and accept the blood of Jesus as the atonement for their sins, they are old 

 enough to be baptized. See Romans 7:9 and Ecclesiastes 12:1

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