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New Levels Ministries International

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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

What does the bible says about obedience?


348. To whom do we owe first obedience? 

“We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).

349. Is it not possible to be a child of God without being subject to Him? 

“He that saith, I know him, and keepeth hot his commandments, is a liar and the truth is not in him” (1 

John 2:4). 

350. How does obedience compare with sacrifice “Behold to obey is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 


351. How do we show our love to God? 

“If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 15:14).

352. What is in store for those who obey not the Gospel? 

Fiery judgment (2 Thessalonians 1:8; 1 Peter 4:17).

353. What about those who obey in part, and disobey when it is not convenient to obey? 

“Ye cannot serve God and mammon” (Matthew 6:24).354. Do not all people make mistakes? 


355. Then are all people condemned because they fall short of absolute perfection? 


356. How reconcile this with answer to Q. 353? 

There is a difference between obedience in heart and erring because of imperfect judgment or 

understanding, and refusing to obey the Gospel because a rebellious heart prefers something else. 

357. What is the attitude of every child of God? 

An eagerness to learn the will of God, and desire to do as well as he knows. 

358. What are the advantages of living a life of obedience? 

It means the aid and the guidance of the superior wisdom of God, keeps us from many a snare and 

defilement of sin, develops the nobler faculties of the mind and soul, and puts us in line with God’s 

blessings in time and promises for eternity. 

359. Has the Bible any promises for those who are only partially obedient? 

None whatever. 

360. What are the results of only partial obedience? 

The same as total disobedience. 

361. Name some examples. Nadab and Abihu (Leviticus 10:1, 2). Saul (1 Samuel 15). Ananias and 

Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11). 

362. What does the Bible teach with reference to subjection to governments? 

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers” (Romans 13:1). “Put them in mind to be subject to 

principalities and powers, to obey magistrate (Titus 3:1). 

363. What about unjust laws? “Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake” (1 

 Peter 2:13). 

364. Are there no circumstances under which we should refuse to comply with the demands of our 


When governments exceed their authority and call upon us to do things contrary to the higher law of 

God, “we ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29); but where no such conflict exists, we should 

 never think of disobeying any law, whether just or unjust. 

365. What is one of the characteristics of God’s children? 

They are law-abiding, respecting all rightful authority, no matter where vested. 

366. What is the first commandment with promise? 

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord.... Honour thy father and thy mother” (Ephesians 6:l,2). 

367. What about obeying unconverted parents? 

The obligation to obey is just as binding as if they were converted, except in cases where they require 

 things contrary to the higher authority of God. 

368. When should this subjection end? 

At death. 

369. What obligations should be respected by all wives? 

‘To be . . . obedient to their own husbands” (Titus 2:5). 

370. What if husbands are unworthy? 

No matter. 

371. Why this subjection? 

“The head of the woman is the man” (1 Corinthians 11:3). 

372. What obligation does this bring upon man? 

“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave himself for it” (Ephesians 


373. What two things do these scriptures forbid? 

Usurping authority on the part of women, overbearing lordly disposition on the part of men. 

374. When both husband and wife are obedient to these scriptures, what is the result? 

An ideal family. 

375. What should be the attitude of all members toward church leaders? 

“Obey them which have the rule over you” (Hebrews 13:17). 

376. Why this rule?“Let all things be done decently and in order” (1 Corinthians 14:40). 

377. What is the result when this rule is ignored? 


378. What other commandments teach us our proper place? 

“Submit yourselves one to another in the fear of God” (Ephesians5:21). 

379. What chapter in the Bible describes the church where this commandment is kept? 

The fourth chapter of Ephesians. 

380. What shall we say to all these Gospel lights on obedience? 

“If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them” (John 13:17).

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