In this blog will be posting Biblical studies in Tamil, sermon notes, Tamil sermons outlines, sermon outlines, Tamil Christian message, notes, sermon points, sermon topics, Christian preaching ideas, best sermon outlines, preaching outlines, Tamil bible studies in the scripture, etc

பிரசங்க குறிப்புகள்

New Levels Ministries International

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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Interesting Facts about the Bible


Interesting Facts about the Bible 

The Bible has 66 books; 39 in the Old Testament, 

27 in the New. It has 1,189 chapters; 929 in the Old Testa-

ment, 26o in the New. It has 31,173 verses; 23,214 in the 

Old Testament, 7,959 in the New. The Apocrypha has 14 

books, 183 chapters, 6,081 verses. The middle verses of 

the Old Testament are 2 Chron. 20 : 17, 18; of the New 

Testament, Acts 17 : ; of the Bible, Ps. 118 : 8. The 

original language of the Old Testament is Hebrew with the 

exception of Ezra 4 : 8 to 6: 18 and 7: 12-26; Jer. to: it; 

Dan. 2 : 4 to 7:28, which are Aramaic, or Chaldaic. The 

New Testament is Greek, not classical Greek, but Judao-

Greek, or Greek modified by the Hebrew.

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